The Client
Geile/Leon Marketing Communications is a creative firm founded almost thirty years ago. Since then, they have helped countless organizations to expand their brand through strategic communications and marketing services across the nation. G/L approached us with a need to create a film that tells potential clients about them; Who are they? Who are their employees? What drives them and their process?
The Direction
Upon meeting, their creative team had already an idea of some of the visuals that could go into this piece. After all, their talented team is behind tons of impressive creative campaigns that span many mediums. Our goal after this meeting was to create a film that is light hearted, authentic, playful, but also an expose of their strategic approach to brand storytelling that equates to real results.

The Result
With a simple storyboard in hand, we took their concept and set a polish to it. We strove to utilize transitions through in-camera moves to help make our travel through their space and culture a seamless journey, and a day-in-the-life look at their organization. We rigged overheads, blocked out scenes with numerous interweaving talent, and got to fit in an awesome shot with a doorway dolly.
In the end, this look at Geile/Leon provides their prospective clients a glimpse into what makes them tick; from the humor of an employee reclining nonchalantly enjoying some of the best pizza the Hill has to offer, to tactile design, brand planning and management.